Timing is everything.
“Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn From Israel”, a newly released documentary from Israel365, is a film that was made for this moment.
Based on the book of the same name by David Rubin, the movie has two goals: to reveal the Left’s plans to transform the United States while also teaching viewers what America can learn from Israel’s commitment to morality and biblical freedom.
The film addresses the most dangerous threat to the United States’ future.Over the last 250 years, Americans have abandoned the nation’s foundational Biblical values of morality and freedom. It’s no accident that the United States has been transformed from a superpower confident in its success to one on the brink of being overtaken by radicals who hope to destroy what America stands for.
How do we restore America to its glory? Where else to look than Israel, the nation our founding fathers looked to for inspiration when writing the Constitution?
The documentary begins with the “Summer of Rage” abortion protests of 2022, which followed the playbook used by Black Lives Matter in 2020. The radicals leading these protests are neither organic nor unique to America but can be traced back to radicals around the world, particularly those who have plagued Israel for decades. If America is to survive as a free nation, the United States must look to Israel for solutions.

The documentary was filmed in Israel and the USA. It features interviews with leading conservative analysts, including author David Rubin, Fox News host David Webb, author and journalist Carolyn Glick, scholar of Israeli and Arab culture Mordechai Kedar, and former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Michael Oren.
David Rubin, author of Confronting Radicals, is originally from the US and currently lives in Shiloh, in the heart of Samaria. He is the founder of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, an NGO that helps thousands of Israeli children recover from horrific acts of terror.
Rubin founded the organization after his own traumatic confrontation with radical Islamic terrorists. In 2001, while driving home to Shiloh with his then three-year-old son, Arab terrorists shot at his car. Rubin was shot in the leg and his young son was shot in the head, but against all odds, they both survived. When Rubin began to grasp the extent of his son’s trauma, which would impact him for the rest of his life, he realized his son was not the only child who desperately needed psychological and emotional support. Since founding the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, Rubin has helped thousands of Israeli children to heal and move forward with their lives.
Confronting Radicals was produced jointly by Israel365 and the Israel Guys. It is currently screening in synagogues and churches across America.
All the proceeds from the film go directly to the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund and to supporting the most vulnerable victims of radical Islamic terrorism.