Since the outbreak of COVID19 nearly two years ago, tourism to Israel has almost completely shut down. It was therefore such a treat to welcome Pastor Ray Peters and his Christian tour group to Jerusalem just yesterday! I have had the privilege of getting to know Pastor Ray, who leads a church in Florida that supports Israel365 and I told his group that they are just like Abraham who journeyed to the land, despite challenges and hardships.
Abraham was told by God to “go forth” to Israel, which in Hebrew is a most unusual expression of “lekh l’KHA” which literally, means, “you go, for yourself.” Jewish commentators pick up on this strange Hebrew phrase and explain that God is not only leading Abraham to the Promised Land, but He is also assuring our forefather that the journey would be well worth the effort!
God assures Abraham that his journey to Israel would be “for yourself”, meaning, that it would enrich Abraham and his descendants for all eternity. A trip to Israel always has that same impact upon those who visit here, and so I pray that more visitors enter the Land, and are forever enriched. Israel365 is planning a trip to Israel in 2022, so make sure to stay connected for more details!