If you have ever dreamed of visiting the land of the Bible, Israel365 will be leading a tour in May that might be the perfect opportunity to see Israel in a unique way. Israel365 is offering an 11-day journey in the land of Israel from May 6-16 that will be unlike any other tour, presenting it in its present context. Not only will you travel the Holy Land and see all there is to see, but you will experience the Jewish nation struggling to serve God in difficult times.
The tour will be headed by Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Founder of Israel365, who will connect the ancient and modern stories of Israel, exploring the many ways God’s prophecies are being fulfilled in our time.
“Only in Israel do the past and present seamlessly live together. Only in Israel can you see the redemption approaching ever closer, day by day,” Rabbi Weisz said. “Powerful changes are happening in Israel that will also affect Bible-believers around the world.”
“So many people are asking what they can do to help Israel and I always tell them that the best thing they can do is to come here and to be with us while we go through this,” he added. “Come and bless Israel and reap the blessings in return. Walk the land and experience the Bible for yourself!”

Israel365 has joined together with Donna Jollay of Jerusalem Tours to create a biblically based, authentic tour that will allow you to experience the magic of Judea and Samaria alongside the holy city of Jerusalem and the stunning Galilee.
“We know that travel, especially pilgrimage to the Holy Land, is a fulfillment of a dream of a lifetime, so our itineraries are not simply a check list of sites,” Jollay explained. “We work with you to design a program specifically suited for you and your travelers. Every stop on your tour will bring the scriptures into a new light, and deepen your faith, your prayer life, and your relationship with the Lord.”
The Israel365 tour will be visiting sites at the epicenter of Israel’s current war against evil. From the communities ravaged by Hamas on the Gaza border to towns under assault on the Lebanese border, you’ll see up close how Israel has resiliently responded to the horrors of October 7. A volunteer member of ZAKA will tell you how the organization has been carrying out its holy mission of tending to the bodies of the victims and you will be briefed by a member of the IDF on the ongoing war against Hamas.
We will go to Gaza border communities to personally witness the lingering effects of evil. We will also meet the heroes of these towns who confronted this evil. The tour will visit the northern border where you will see for yourself how other countries are threatening Israel.
The tour group will also perform acts of service for the soldiers, including running a morale-boosting BBQ on Yom Haatzmaut. We have also prepared a list of things you can bring from the US to present as personal gifts to the soldiers. You’ll have touching encounters with the lions who are fighting modern-day Goliaths.

Each of the tour’s eleven days is carefully planned to bring the Bible to life while also providing Israel with the support it needs to stay strong and defeat its enemies. This is all focused on advocacy training so that you can learn how to support Israel when you go home.
Robert Frohlinger, the CEO of Israel365 emphasized that this is the perfect time to come to Israel. The tour is timed especially to allow you to be here to celebrate Israel’s Memorial Day and Independence Day along with Jewish and Christian Zionists from all over the world
“Israel365’s focus is to build bridges between Israel and fellow faith based people,” Frohlinger said. “We believe that one of the effective ingredients to accomplish this goal is by connecting through physically experiencing the land and people of Israel. Please join us in May for Israel’s 76th Birthday!”
Of course, the tour will also visit all of Jerusalem’s amazing sites: you will walk the ancient cobblestone streets of the Old City, visit the Western Wall, and ascend to the sacred Temple Mount. You will explore Hezekiah’s water tunnels carved into the bedrock, and King David’s city. The tour will go to Mount Zion. the Kidron Valley, the House of Caiaphas, Church of the Nations, the Garden Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Mount of Olives.
Come with us to the land bought by Abraham, the ancient city of Hebron, where we will visit the Cave of the Patriarchs, the resting place of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rivkah, Jacob and Leah.

We will visit the many significant spots in Israel including, Caesarea, Magdala, the Mount of Beatitudes, and Capernaum.
Judea and Samaria, Shiloh Tabernacle
Golan and Trump Heights, Mediterranean coast and the waters of the Galilee and the historic sites in Jaffa
Explore God’s land and visit all of these amazing places and more for the unbelievable price of $5,900!
- Airfare from LAX or JFK
- Deluxe 4 star lodging
- Authentic middle eastern cuisine
(daily breakfast, dinner and 3 lunches) - Transportation
- Fuel Taxes and Entrance Fees
- Expert licensed tour guides
Israel365 knows that paying for a trip like this can be difficult. But we don’t want financial constraints to stop you from taking this life-changing tour. Fortunately, we have a solution! We are honored to offer the very first Israel tour with flexible payment plans! This means that you can pay for this trip in installments over 12 to 24 months with little to no interest. We are committed to making this trip work for you!
There is nowhere in the world quite like Israel. Israel is a gift from God. Now is your opportunity to see the land where prophecy lives and breathes.
Find out more at the website.